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6 Ways To Handle a Long-time Office Fight Between Employees

Office conflicts between employees can be challenging to deal with. Even when the issue seems minor, it can become a major distraction for everyone in the office. If left unchecked, these disagreements can become even more problematic. Here are some ways to handle long-term office fights between your employees to keep your workplace running smoothly and efficiently.

1. Establish Clear Communication Protocols

The first step is to establish clear communication protocols. Make sure everyone in the office knows what is expected regarding behavior and conflict resolution.

Encourage employees to speak up if they have an issue with another employee, but also make sure they know how to do so respectfully and productively. For example, you could set a rule that only one person speaks at a time, and all conversations should be civil.

In addition, create a process for employees to follow if they have issues that cannot be resolved in the workplace. This could involve talking to human resources (HR) or escalating the matter to a manager or executive.

2. Set Up Mediation Sessions

If the conflict persists after setting up communication protocols, it may be time to set up mediation sessions between the two employees in question. During these sessions, each employee should be allowed to express their grievances and come up with solutions together.

If necessary, bring in a third-party mediator or facilitator who can help guide the conversation and ensure that both sides are heard equally. For instance, the mediator can ensure that one employee does not dominate the conversation or that discussions remain respectful and constructive.

Moreover, the mediator can help the employees devise concrete solutions that both parties agree to. This could involve a mutual agreement on how they will act around each other in the office or even setting up specific times for them to meet and talk about their issues.

3. Take It One Step at a Time

It’s important not to get too caught up in trying to solve every single issue all at once during mediation sessions or communication protocols — instead, take it one step at a time and focus on solving one problem before moving on to another.

This will help make sure that both sides are heard without getting overwhelmed by too many issues at once. For starters, you could establish a timeline for when each case should be addressed and then work from there.

Finally, make sure to touch base with both employees after the mediation session or communication protocol is finished. Ask if their grievances have been addressed, and if not, see what else can be done to help them move forward constructively.

4. Consider Talking About Legal Options

man and woman talking in a mediation session with a male personnel

If the employees continue to have difficulty resolving their issues and the disputes turn physical, it may be beneficial to talk about legal options with a trusted personal injury attorney. An experienced lawyer can advise what steps need to be taken to protect both parties and, if necessary, represent either party in court.

Although going through the legal process can be time-consuming, it can be the most effective way to ensure a safe and productive work environment. This is because it allows the court to decide who is responsible for any damages. If necessary, it provides a way to enforce the rules of behavior in the office.

Furthermore, legal options can provide a way to protect both parties from any potential harm. This is especially the case for more bitter disputes, such as those involving physical violence or harassment.

5. Create an Environment of Respect

For any sort of resolution process to work effectively, it’s crucial that both parties feel respected throughout the process — no matter how heated the conversation gets or how much they disagree with one another on specific points.

Make sure that everyone involved knows that respect is expected from all participants and strongly discourage any kind of personal attacks or name-calling during conversations about resolving conflicts between employees.

Likewise, ensure that any kind of proposed solution is something both parties can agree on without feeling violated. This could involve coming up with a plan for mutual respect in the workplace or even creating a policy for how employees should act toward one another.

6. Follow Up Regularly

Once you’ve established communication protocols, held mediation sessions, created an environment of respect among all participants, or even taken legal actions — follow up regularly!

Check-in with both parties every few weeks or months (depending on the severity of the conflict) just to make sure everything is going well and there are no new issues or concerns arising from either side.

This will help ensure that all conflicts remain resolved over time rather than rearing their ugly heads again later down the line due to a lack of follow-up from management or HR personnel involved in addressing them initially!


Office disputes between employees can be tricky—but not impossible—to navigate successfully as long as you’re willing to put in some effort up front and follow up regularly afterward! By establishing clear communication protocols, setting up mediation sessions between conflicting parties, and creating an environment of respect among all involved — you’ll be able to handle any long-term office fight between your employees quickly and effectively while keeping your workplace running smoothly.

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